Friday, 9 September 2011

Music Video Analysis- Bloc Party- "The Prayer"

"The prayer" by Bloc Party is an example of a disjuncture music video with a small amount of illustration included. The camera then cuts to inside the night club on a long shot of the band sitting down in the club.

When the verse comes in we see a small use of illustration when the frontman mutters "Lord give me grace." The front man does this every time this line is said in the song. This section of the music video consists mainly of shots of the band sat on sofas, with the occasional shot of the dance floor.

When the chorus comes in the camera is focusing on two girls kissing on a sofa. The camera cuts quicker  during the chorus and focuses more on whats happening around the club. There are more close ups of the facial expressions of the band.

1 comment:

  1. Joe. Try to also mention the strange effects of film acetate disolving to revela an image beneath, why is this included. Also talk about the mise en scene of the night club, what sort of bar/club is this?
