Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Music Video Analysis- Standing next to me

In this clip the two band members matching are dressed smartly wearing sharp looking suits. The audience recognises this style with previous bands such as The Beatles and will immidiatly expect a similar genre of music. Their suits match the black and white background and this colour scheme runs throughout the video, the colour scheme is simple but effective as the colours stand out and this effect is common in indie genre videos. The position of the band members is key to the name of the song 'Standing next to me' as the two band members are shown playing the song as a live performance standing side by side throughout.

The dancers are also dressed to follow the black and white colour scheme which keeps the video looking smart. The dancers are all in time with the music and and every move is on a beat to the song. This creates a relationship between music and the visuals as it is clear that the dancing has been put in to also resemble the style of the song as it is quick and sharp.

This clip shows that the video can be categorised as Illustration as it is set up to represent a live performance and the music and lyrics have been shown in a a simple way. They have used guitars to represent the music visuals as that is the instrument you can hear. This also shows the camera work and close ups are frequent of the two band members together. this is done to show they are the importance of thie music video so we know they are the artists of this song. It is aslo done to show their style as the camera spins around them showing them dressed in the same style.

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