To gain feedback I posted various times on facebook our groups finished video and my accompanying products. I ask my friends to leave feedback via a comment on the statues, this didnt work very well as not many people commented on the link so I was left with not much feedback. I did however get some feedback for my digipak and from a friend called alex who left a comment he also highlight possible improvements that could be made. Althought he commented on my final versions so this would not be possible. The comment he left was fairly positive though and highlighted that he thought the main image was effective for the bands genre. The feedback I recieved for my draft versions helped me establish what improvments needed to be made for the final versions. As I didn't not get much response from posting on facebook I decided to host a 'premier' for my music video for my form group. I designed an accompanying questionaire that I asked them to fill in after watching the video twice. This helped me establish more detailed feedback as they answered pre determined questions.
Those that filled in my questionnaire were between the ages of 14 and 18, as some were quite young they did not fit into our target audience which was 16-25 year olds although it showed us how different age groups reacted to our music video.
Some of the people that were asked listened to the indie rock genre which meant they were aware of the common conventions that a indie performance video followed. Overall most who were surveyed thought our video was professional which was good to hear as it meant that they thought it looked like a real music video that could appear on a music channel. A few stated that they would possibly see the video on an MTV music channel. The aspects that they enjoyed the most was the variety of different shots that were used and the close ups of the band members. However the least enjoyed aspects were that it was only set in one specific location if we were shooting again we would shoot in multiple locations to make it more interesting for the audience. Another also pointed out that it looked as though the band was performing live even though only two of the band members were playing live instruments which means the bands miming was convincing.
One other mentioned aspect was our lead singer who some felt was not featured enough. They were also asked the question what does our bands does our band remind them of for which there was a mixed response. The rapture, Mcfly, Busted, Kasabien, Little Comets, The Wombats were some of the bands that were mentioned the Mcfly and Busted response surprised me at first but It makes sense as I will explain. The likeness to Mcfly/Busted comes from these bands try to look as cool as other established bands and hope that some success will rub off on them. Which is what our band basically did in the music video so its more of a complement as it means they thought our band was like real life counter parts and believable as a real band. I was please when I saw the comment about being compared to Kasabien as that is one of the band we were trying to emulate their performance style The ending was also mentioned as a point for possible improvement as it lasted longer than it should of which I also agree with.
Overall I think that my form group enjoyed our video as their rating out of 10 was on average 7/10 I thought that I might have got some better written response but due to them not have studying music video in a much detail as I have done as it is my chosen subject this could have limited on what they could talk about.
Pitch feedback; older but it is still relevant because you have changed your concepts and ideas since then as a result. Twitter and facebook screen grabs could be useful.