Friday, 9 December 2011

Evaluation Question 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I used used various ways to gather audience feedback.

I got comments from my teacher, classmates and friends. I got these from comments on my blog and facebook. We also did a video premier in my form during mentor time.

We handed out a questionnaire for the class to fill in. I consisted of several questions, first asking their age and gender. Then their personal music genre preferences and then questions about our music video. Unfortunately the age range was only between 14-16, this means that only the 16 year olds were in our target audience. Also, most of the participants in the questionnaire were female.

Here are several replies to questions we asked:

What did you think of the setting of our music video?

"it suits the music" 14, female
"looks good, quite professional" 15, female
"great. Good on a studio looking setting" 15, male

Do you think the setting and the arrangement of the equipment looks realistic?
"Yes, it looks like a real performance" 15, male
"It does look realistic as it looks like a real band practice" 16, female

What bands does this music video remind you of?
"Arctic Monkeys, Kasabian" 14, male
"Kasabian, Arctic Monkeys" 15, male
"Kaiser Chiefs, Kasabian" 15, male

Would you choose to watch our music video? Why?
"I would, however it does get a bit repetitive, could change something about it" 16, female
"yes, looks good and sounds good" 15, female
"yes, it is the type of music video that I watch sometimes" 14, female

How could we improve our video?
"the camera skill so that it would flow better and more consistently" 14, female
"camera is a bit wobbly at times-it could be a bit more professional. It could be a bit more exciting" 14, female

Could you expect to see our video on a music channel? If so, what channel?
"Yes, 4music" 14, male
"Yes, Viva" 15, male
"Yes, Scuzz" 14, female

Does our video look professional?
"sort of, the cameras could have been a bit steadier" 14, female
"Yes" 14, male

What features of our video did you like best?
"The changing camera angles" 15, male
"the filming" 16, female
"all of it, looked good" 15, female

What would you give our video out of 10?
"8" 15, female
"8 1/2" 14, female
"8" 14, male

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