Our video shoot started at 4:30 and we finished at 7:30, what we have learnt from having a short time constraint is that we need more time to shoot each individual shot. This was because some time was lost when we were looking on the storyboard. We combatted this issue by Jack telling me where each individual shot needs to be filmed whilst I set the camera up for the next shot. It also became apparent whilst filming that it would be hard to film some shots with the tripod so I filmed with my phone to gain some extra wide shots that we can use in the draft.
Changes that we will make when filming our final version is a more detailed shooting schedule that will ensure that filming goes along smoothly and quickly and that we are not wasting time. Furthermore as an extra precaution we will film extra shots that we wont necessarily use this footage can then be used as a backup in case some of the shots we film don't work in the final version.
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