This is the style of poster i would like to create for my piece. I like how the poster itself reflects what the band is about, showing the three-pieced band looking cool and sharp. The suits they are wearing shows them fresh which at the time rspresented the music. I also like how in the poster the band are holding up the album which has the exact picture on the cover as the poster, this keeps to a theme. The chice of clothing has been specifically chosen as it will work on the black and white theme as the contrast in creates gives the effect. It look as if the picture has been taken in front of a wall with the bands name'The Jam' wrote on the background in Grafitti. The picture tells the audience everything there is to know about the band and their style so little writing is needed to give information. This is the effect i would try and create as i feel to much writing can make the audience lose interest in the poster.
Remember if you are using the band in your photo's you will need to arrange when you are taking photos of them.